Easy Sensory Switch and Touchscreen Games for Special Needs Education.
The inclusive Sensory games for kids below are suitable for individuals who are developing cause and effect switch skills in a Sensory Environment. The games can also be played using a conventional mouse, head pointing systems, touchscreen, spacebar etc. To start the games click on the images below. The switch accessible games will open on a new web page. Please wait a few seconds for the games to load. Each 'switch press' is simulating a 'spacebar' which is controlling the game. To setup a 'switch interface' please ensure the switch interface is sending a 'spacebar' click when the switch is pressed.
The games should play in the latests HTML5 browser - Chrome Browser, Internet Explorer 9 or older versions of explorer with Chrome Frame Extension. These games can be played on an iPad by touch and by Switch Control.
Easy Fireworks Sensory Game. NEW
Press the switch to make some Fireworks! This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or spacebar. Switch Accessible on the iPad too.
Easy Fireworks Two Switch Sensory Game. NEW
Press the switch to make some more Fireworks! This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or spacebar. Switch Accessible on the iPad too.
Easy Fireworks Three Switch Sensory Game. NEW
Press the switch to make some more Fireworks! This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or a spacebar. Switch Accessible on the iPad too.
Easy Fireworks Four Switch Sensory Game. NEW
Press the switch to make some more Fireworks! This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or a spacebar. Switch Accessible on the iPad too.